

Single User License Agreement

Our reports are copyrighted publications of Technology Strategies International Inc., and may not be reproduced or distributed in whole or in part in any form without the express written permission of the Technology Surveys International Inc. Photocopying, printing or other forms of mechanical or electronic reproduction are strictly

Application for the copyright owner’s permission to reproduce any part of this publication should be addressed to Technology Strategies International

Corporate User License Agreement

Our reports are copyrighted publications of Technology Strategies International.

Our Corporate User License option provides:

  • An electronic version (PDF) of the full study
  • Unlimited use of the study — it can be shared by all employees in the purchaser’s company
  • Right to e-mail the full study, or parts thereof, internally to employees
  • Permission to reprint, for internal use only, all or part of the study
  • Authority to place the study on your corporate or departmental Intranet or shared directory/drive
  • Right to quote the study and include some material from the study in reports or presentations for external parties provided that such use can be construed as ‘reasonable use’ as outlined below.

Reasonable portions of the study may be cut and pasted into internal documents provided that the content is not changed and Technology Strategies International is referenced as the source. Selected information from the study may be used in external communications and reports on the basis of ‘fair use’ as embodied in copyright legislation, provided that these reports are not sold. In all cases where information from this study is used, the content shall not be changed and Technology Strategies International shall be referenced as the source.

Please note, the onus is on the purchaser’s organization to ensure that your employees respect the conditions of this license agreement.

If you require any additional information regarding our copyright provisions please address your enquiries to Technology Strategies International at with ‘Copyright’ in the subject line, or contact us by phone at +1 416 628 0796.


Every effort has been taken to ensure the accuracy and completeness of information presented in our reports. However, Technology Strategies International (TSI) can accept no liability for the consequences of actions taken based on the information provided. Users of this report should seek expert advice on each market or product before entering into any investment or contractual commitment. TSI makes every effort to ensure that the coverage included in our reports are comprehensive, but TSI reserves the right to omit coverage of any aspect where the information is unobtainable for any reason outside of TSI’s control.


An important aspect of the studies that we conduct is to provide subscribers with a well-founded look ahead as to what the prospects are for various markets. Our forecasts are based on our assessment of market trends, as well as interviews with respondents and experts in the various markets that we analyze. TSI consultants have extensive experience in technological substitution dynamics and forecasting and use their own experience and insight into the industry to refine forecasts.

It should be noted that forecasting, by its very nature, cannot be an exact science. The forecasts presented in our reports represent what we believe to be the best view available of prospects for the various markets that we study. It should, however, be noted that these markets are highly dynamic and there are invariably uncertainties around how the markets will respond to various events and economic conditions. Furthermore, decisions can change overnight, and unpredictably so. While we believe that the information contained in our reports are as accurate as is possible for the type of analyses that we undertake, TSI accepts no liability for any errors, inaccuracies or omissions.

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